PHONE:  03 9700 7666

Consultant Rheumatologist: Alfred Hospital

Monash University: Professor in Rheumatology, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Monash University

Section Editor: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Associate Editor: Arthritis Research and Therapy

Editorial Board: Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Peer J


Dr Anita Wluka is a senior staff specialist at the Alfred Hospital and a Professor at Monash University, in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. Professor Wluka is a Chief Investigator on a number of ongoing clinical trials funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). She is one of the most published authors internationally in her area of interest, osteoarthritis, and has over 200 publications in internationally peer reviewed journals. Her other areas of interest include gout and other musculoskeletal conditions. In her research, she collaborates nationally and internationally and with local stakeholder organisations. She led a significant technical report, performed in partnership with Musculoskeletal Australia regarding Consumer needs in musculoskeletal conditions. Dr Wluka has been invited to present at both national and international conferences.

Dr Wluka was awarded her MBBS at the University of Melbourne, and her Doctorate from Monash University. Professor Wluka teaches observational research methods within the Monash University Masters of Public Health. She supervises higher degree students at Monash University. At the Alfred Hospital she contributes to training undergraduate and postgraduate training in Rheumatology.

Dr Wluka is interested in inflammatory arthritis, gout, connective tissue disease, osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. She strives to make her patients’ lives easier.

Professor Anita Wluka

MBBS, PhD, FRACP, Professor